This video guides participants through a gentle set of activities to assess and increase daily range of motion. The activities in this video are easy and meant for people with mobility limitations since it is a Level 1 set.
Session 2 is a 5 minute activity routine that focuses on strength and balance exercises. These activities are easy and meant for people who may need some balance support when moving since they are a Level 1 set.
Session 3 presents a five minute activity including Healing Sounds to help release pent up stress and stagnant energy.
This Organ health video guides people through a set of exercises to help improve the health of the organ systems based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. The first set is called "Swaying" and is conceived to improve function of the digestive system and immune system. The second set is called "Taoist 5" and is meant to improve health, balance, and function of the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, and spleen/pancreas. The activities in this video are fairly easy, since it is a Level 1 set.
Session-5 is a 5-minute activity that is conceived to melt away stress and anxiety, as well as help people improve their posture, balance, and body's structural integrity. This activity is suitable for all participants in the Get Up and Move program.
Session-6 is a 5-minute activity that is meant to release any remaining stress from your day and re-vitalize your energy. It is appropriate for all Get Up and Move participants.